
Top 10 Dating Tips

Dating Tips and Advice for Singles

Whether you are new to the - dating scene, are reentering the - dating scene, or are a serial dater, you can use dating tips and advice. No one is a dating expert – even the most beautiful and wealthy people all struggle with matters of the heart. Everyone can learn something about how to date more, how to attract the types of people we want to attract, and how to make sure initial chemistry blooms - into an enduring relationship.

The truth is, there are no magic formulas, no fail-proof - tricks, no cunning ways of trapping Mr. or Miss Right. There are however some essential facts that you should always bear in mind along the way. Dating tips are just that -- tips, not one-size-fits-all guarantees. Different tacks will work for different people. It depends on the situation, who we are, where we are in our lives, etc. However, there are - some threads of advice that are fairly - universal and can benefit anyone who practices them:

Top 10 Dating Tips

   1. Get prepared for dating. If you really want to - succeed in the dating game, be ready to commit to dating. Half-heartedness won't work. In fact, it won’t even get you half-way. If you really want to date, put some effort into it. Do some research and think about what you want out of dating. Prepare yourself for the inevitable - rejection we all face at some point in dating and commit not to give up.

   2. Get your act together. Begin a regime of looking your best. Join a gym, read health magazines, get fit and start a diet. Get your hair cut or styled and begin a new regime of good grooming or beauty treatment. Though it will not find you a date in itself, you will feel a million times more confident about yourself, and others can sense that.

   3. Go shopping and treat - yourself to new clothes and - even a whole new look. Get your image - right, one that you can manage and live with, but one that -  flatters you. Don't try to be someone you’re not, but amplify and accentuate your positives. Throw out those tired jeans, old sweaters or cardigans and spruce - yourself up. Your date will appreciate that you demonstrated some effort.

   4. Think about what you want to gain from - dating and what time frames you - expect. Do you see yourself married within 2 years? If you do, then approach dating accordingly. If you are more laid back and don't take dating too seriously then ask yourself some honest questions about why you are - dating and what you hope to achieve. If it is - purely sex then ask yourself if you are about to be honest with those you hope to date.

   5. Surround yourself with people who will - support your dating aims. By following the first four tips you - will feel better and be more focused. Don’t sabotage this by - sitting around with friends - who are negative about love and relationships (often the married ones). Start attending social functions-  frequented by singles. Sitting alongside couples at dinner parties in suburbia is not - necessarily where you need to be right now.

   6. Choose those you have a good chance of dating. Be realistic. In other words, your dating is based on the whole package you present as well as just your personality. If you are looking for a glamour girl or boy and want to date someone trendy and gorgeous, great! Just know that others will expect you to be the same.

   7. Join clubs, societies, - sports events, drama groups anything that might help you meet like-minded potential  -partners. You will not meet people by staying indoors and playing video games – many have tried and failed at this approach.

   8. Take time off from dating occasionally if it’s not going well or causing - dating fatigue. Recharging your - batteries and keeping confidence and optimism levels high is an absolute must. We all hit rough patches, but don’t let your search for love become a death march. Date in phases if necessary.

   9. Enjoy dating for - what it is, dating. It is meeting people and - socializing and spending time in the company of - stimulating individuals who may or may not play a bigger part in your life down the road. The fact is, most people have something interesting to offer. While you may not be out on the dating scene looking for new friends, - you may well find one or two fabulous people along the way.

  10. Never make yourself - too available. People like mystery and enigma - and the thrill of the chase when dating. As part of keeping up the mystery, do not sleep with your dates early on. The longer a person is made to chase and fall for you within reason, the more likely that love may blossom. (And yes, this goes for both men AND women!) If the chemistry peaks too early, your emotions may - never have time to catch up and the relationship will - eventually wither away. so lets go
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গুরুত্বপূর্ণঃ মনে রাখবেন, ডিজিটাল চোটি ও এর সার্ভিস সমূহ আমাদের ব্যক্তিগত প্রমোদ’এর জন্য নির্মিত। অনেকসময় প্রকাশিত গল্প ও ভিডিও সমূহ শুধুমাত্র পাঠক/দর্শকদের আনন্দ প্রদানের জন্য কাল্পনিক এবং অমূলক হয়। অনেকসময় কোন সত্য বা কাল্পনিক ঘটনা প্রকৃতি বিরোধীও হয়ে থাকে, যেমনঃ ‘ইনচেস্ট’; ‘ধর্ষণ’; ‘বেশ্যাবৃত্তি’; ‘ব্যভিচার’; ‘যৌন হয়রানী’; ‘পরকিয়া’; ‘বহুপ্রেম’ ‘পর নারী/পুরুষের প্রতি আকর্ষণ’ ইত্যাদি। আমরা পাঠক ও দর্শকদের প্রতি দ্ব্যর্থহীন কন্ঠে বলতে চাই, ডিজিটাল চোটি বা অন্য যেকোন এ্যাডাল্ট প্রমোদ প্রদানকারী বিষয় সমূহে আসক্ত হয়ে নিজের ব্যক্তিগত জীবনে বা সমাজে সেগুলোর বাস্তবায়ন করে নিজের এবং সমাজের অপুরোনীয় ক্ষতি সাধন করবেননা।